The Gondola Mesh receives a request for travel. The system checks if the user owns the Pod and if the Pod is located at a reasonable distance from the point of origin. Depending on the result the routes and prices are calculated and displayed to the user.
Once the user selects the journey mode the Mesh checks the status of the free Gondola Frames available on the roads and on Gondola Bases, selects the one within the optimal distance to the user and assigns it to the journey. Depending on the battery levels and the distance the Mesh anticipates the points in which the Frames will need to get swapped and pre-assignes additional Frames waiting along the way.
If the Pod from the user is available the initial Frame collects it on the way to the point of origin. In case the user does not have the Pod available the Frame collects the Pod from one of the Gondola Bases or parking spots.
The complete Gondola Unit arrives at the point of origin and Mesh notifies the user. The user enters the Pod and the journey begins. The Mesh routes the Gondola Unit to the destination. Depending on the selected mode the Unit travels faster and is using prioritised access to the lanes or travels with an optimal speed.
The travel is coordinated in the real-time by two collaboration systems:
– Gondola Mesh manages the traffic of the whole Ecosystem and renders the optimal suggested route for every Gondola Unit
– Gondola Unit Computer – combines the data available from the Mesh with information gathered by monitoring the surrounding environment using an array of different sensors. It drives the Unit towards the destination and makes real-time decisions based on observed traffic conditions.
In case the journey is longer – before the Unit battery gets depleted the Mesh sends another Frame and arranges a frame-swap operation. The fresh Frame continues the journey and the used Frame returns to the nearest Gondola Base for recharging / battery-swap and maintenance. Afterwards, it is available for another travel.
The Gondola Unit arrives at the destination and notifies the user. The user leaves the Gondola Unit. If the Pod was owned by the user the Mesh locates the nearest parking spot and orders the Frame to leave the Pod there and return to the nearest Gondola Base. Otherwise, the whole Unit returns to the nearest Gondola Base.